Wednesday, May 29, 2013

My relationship/Advice.

Today I decided to talk about my relationship/advice on relationships and motivation to keep trying.

Alright so I have been dating my boyfriend Pat for 3 and a half years now. We met back in middle school briefly and again in high school. When I first met Pat I thought he was a god, literally. He played on the football team, had cool hair, did cool stuff, had lots of friends, girls liked him etc. I gawked over him on  a daily basis, I had THE biggest crush, but I was a 6th grader and he was a 7th grader and getting his attention wasn't easy. We had a couple classes together and he would talk to me occasionally but nothing too exciting, eventually he went off to high school and I was still in middle school and I was forced to forget about him, and I figured that was all just a dream anyway, he was WAY too cool for me.

In the fall of 2008 I began my freshman year of high school, I was terrified to say the least. I had NO classes with my friends, and I was very obviously drifting from them because of it. After a few days I made a new group of friends and felt a little more comfortable, we would stand together before classes every morning at the same spot in our atrium. We would laugh and tell stories, hug, take pictures and even play games -.- haha. Well about a couple months into school I started hanging out with this girl who shall remain anonymous. We had a lot of fun together, doing crazy stuff all the time. Well one day we were bored and sitting on the computer scrolling though her AIM buddy list saying how we needed to find me a love interest haha, so we scrolled and scrolled and she read off names and I made disgusted faces or simply said "ew no" till I heard a certain name, Pat.

Eventually thanks to my anonymous friend Pat and I began talking through AIM. We talked literally every day, but never in school, I was too shy and he was too cool, never mind the fact that he had a girlfriend. Well eventually I began talking to his friends one way or another, and they decided it was time for us to talk in person, so they dragged him over to our spot in the atrium one morning which just so happened to be a few feet across from them, and we spoke a  bit. It was funny, awkward, totally high school. His girlfriend of course didn't like that and decided to have her lovely band of friends harass me here and there. Pat and I continued to speak on AIM and eventually became friends on Myspace and spoke every day, he began to confide in me telling me how he was having issues with his girlfriend, how she cheated on him, wasn't very nice to him and wasn't exactly the type of person he wanted to date anymore. So I talked him through all his issues, telling him he didn't deserve it, told him how wonderful he was and we became "best friends".

One day I got to school and Pats friends were holding print outs of a conversation between his girlfriend and another guy on Myspace that was extremely awkward and inappropriate. Needless to say, Pat broke up with her, and girls began to swarm. He had things with girls here and there, we were still best friends and we even began to hang out occasionally. Eventually I got a boyfriend for a little while and I could sense the jealousy that Pat had, it was cute, and obviously....we liked each other, but we had no idea at the time. Eventually I broke up with this kid and Pat and I began hanging out a bit more, and talking A LOT.

Every morning we would talk till the bell rang then hug and go our separate ways, but one morning Pat asked me if he could "walk me to class" so I said yes, It was sweet and he continued to do this for quite a few days. One day I slept over my friends house and we were talking to Pat, asking him "if he liked anyone" etc. (those awkward high school questions) he said he did, but he wouldn't tell us who, so obviously that made us want to know EVEN more. He began giving us hints....the first one was "She has dark hair, and brown eyes"....that basically meant the entire school, the next one was "She's average height" I honestly thought nothing of it, and was cringing waiting to find out who he liked. I went to bed and the next day he walked me to class like ususal, but I had a field trip, so I left, and he spoke to my best friend at the time, and told her he liked me, flat out. She obviously was filled with excitement and waited till I arrived back at the school to tell me, I didn't believe her haha.

Pat and I continued to talk and got a little more flirtatious, one day he walked me to class and held my hand and I just knew, we were going to be together.

Pat and I did it the "the right way" in my opinion. Now when I say that, I don't mean to tell you that if you didn't go through this process it was wrong, or your relationship isn't a good one, but in my opinion this was the right way for me. We were friends first, and friends for a long time. We took it slow and actually got to know each other, we waited quite awhile to say I love you as well, and it was a big deal to us, not just a few words to say to one another.

The best advice I can give someone is take it slow, don't give up, anything worth having is worth waiting for. I love Pat more and more each day, I never get bored, I never want something different, I never feel differently, I still get butterflies and he still makes me feel like the luckiest girl on earth.

Tuesday, May 28, 2013


So this year I truly fell in love with makeup. I was never someone that was super obsessed with makeup or even wore it all that often till this year. I only began wearing very light makeup when I hit the second half of my 8th grade year, and all I really wore was some mascara. My freshman year I began wearing eye liner and mascara together, and then as the years went by I began wearing concealers, foundations, blushes, eye shadows, mascara, eye liners, lip gloss', lip stains, lipsticks and many other products. I have spent quite awhile trying to figure out what products were we best for me and which are my favorites, I recently complied a list for all those that are looking for some guidance!

I have fair colored skin at the moment so my favorite foundations are;

Drugstore: Maybelline Super Stay 24 hour makeup in classic ivory. I also like Maybellines FIT ME in Ivory 115.

High End: Benefits Hello Flawless Oxygen Wow in Ivory, Benfits BO-ING concealer in the shade LIGHT.

I have extremely sensitive skin so I can't use acne washes like proactive, clean and clear etc. I have to use very organic and light face washes/moisturizers, these are my favorite.

Aveenos Ultra-Calming foaming cleanser followed by the Ultra-Calming daily moisturizer. I have also had decent luck with the Cetaphil line as well, it is also a very gentle cleanser and at a great price.

I use a lot of different brands for my eye makeup, so here is a master list of all the products I use;

-Urban Decays Naked Palette (the first one)
-Ubran Decays 24/7 glide on pencil in the shades; in Uzi and Bourbon
-Urban Decays eye shadow primer
-ELFs waterproof eye liner in the shade Pitch Black
-CARGOs Texas Liquid eye liner in black
-Physicians formula organic wear mascara in black organics

For my blush currently I use CARGOS water resistant blush in the shade Los Cabos

For my lips I use;
-Macs Ruby Woo
-Revlons Just Bitten in the shades; Honey, Cherish and Sweetheart.